CLUBHOUSE PROJECT UPDATE – JANUARY 2025 – Containers in place
We are pleased so share the donated units have now arrived and have been placed temporarily at Hill Barn around the existing pavilion

Over the coming weeks we will be performing surveying activities to support the commencement of the main build. This will see us installing site fencing around the containers and pavilion. We will be commissioning temporally toilets and a tea hut while the demolition takes place. Please respect the signage around the site

We also did the ground screw testing prior to the installation of the containers.

CHRISTMAS DRAW UPDATE – 21st DECEMBER 2024 – Mel Dix wins £1,000 first prize – Worthing United Youth FC raises £11,694 for Clubhouse Project.
Click here to see all the information including the List 27 x runners-up prizes and who won them!
Hill Barn Clubhouse Project
Worthing United Youth are pleased to announce our exciting and ambitious plans to redevelop the pavilion at Hill Barn Rec.
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The Project
The generous donation of a number of ex-welfare units has enabled the project to burst into life. The project will see the demolition of the existing pavilion and be replaced with pre-fabricated welfare units, providing long overdue modifications of the facilities. The new development will see 4 dedicated changing rooms created with shower facilities. Separate male and female toilets will now be available along with a new tea hut that will see an indoor seating area created.
Jason Nicholls – Chairman of Worthing United Youth said, “Anyone who has visited our clubhouse at Hill Barn Rec will tell you it is years past its sell-by date. It was built 60+ years ago with communal showers, men-only toilets and little or no welfare facilities for the types of young people within our youth football club.
“So we have embarked on an ambitious project to tear down this building and replace it within something which is more fit-for-purpose. We don’t have much money and neither does Worthing Council so we will have to make do with what we can afford.
“Our new facility, made up of a number of metal containers, will provide a solution to our needs for the next few years. It is definitely not a long-term solution but its much better than what we have.
“We are in desperate need of support from anyone that can help – either as a tradesperson, building supplier, volunteer or fundraiser. Please get in touch with us if you can help.”
Please visit our GoFundMe page to donate money towards this very worthy cause –

This exciting project is community driven and funded. We are looking to local businesses to help where they can. It might be in the form of building materials, equipment donation, sponsorship or providing some of your team for a day’s volunteering. If you are interested to learn how you might be able to help, please contact us on